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- property ancestor
- global theLayer, foregroundFXSpr, theStageBounds, currentFrame, frameLimit, dirtyFlag
- on birth me
- set the ancestor of me to birth(script "recordMethods parent")
- return me
- end
- on record me
- set theLayer to foregroundFXSpr
- buildFilterList(me)
- set theFXType to getAt(curClipRecord, 1)
- set fgdFXName to getAt(curClipRecord, 2)
- set loopList to getAt(curClipRecord, 5)
- set firstClip to getAt(loopList, 1)
- set the castNum of sprite foregroundFXSpr to firstClip
- preLoadCast(getAt(loopList, 1), getLast(loopList))
- if theFXType = "X" then
- set the loc of sprite foregroundFXSpr to point(the mouseH, the mouseV)
- updateStage()
- cursor(200)
- repeat while the mouseUp
- moveRecordingSpr(me, foregroundFXSpr, the mouseH, the mouseV)
- end repeat
- else
- set the loc of sprite foregroundFXSpr to point(313, 218)
- updateStage()
- cursor(-1)
- repeat while the mouseUp
- end repeat
- end if
- set theMouseH to the mouseH
- set theMouseV to the mouseV
- set theMouseLoc to point(theMouseH, theMouseV)
- if inside(theMouseLoc, theStageBounds) or the shiftDown then
- if theFXType = "T" then
- set theMouseH to 313
- set theMouseV to 218
- end if
- set countFgdFXData to count(fgdFXData)
- if countFgdFXData < currentFrame then
- repeat with theFrameNumber = countFgdFXData + 1 to currentFrame
- append(fgdFXData, copyList([]))
- end repeat
- end if
- set overFlow to 0
- repeat with theClipNumber = 1 to count(loopList)
- if currentFrame < frameLimit then
- if currentFrame > count(scoreData) then
- setAt(scoreData, currentFrame, copyList(autoHoldFrame))
- end if
- set the loc of sprite foregroundFXSpr to point(theMouseH, theMouseV)
- set theClip to getAt(loopList, theClipNumber)
- set the castNum of sprite foregroundFXSpr to theClip
- set currentFrameData to list(theClip, theMouseH, theMouseV, fgdFXName)
- setAt(fgdFXData, currentFrame, currentFrameData)
- showFrame(playbackMgr, currentFrame, foregroundFXSpr)
- setKrusty(playbackMgr)
- incrementFrame()
- next repeat
- end if
- set overFlow to 1
- exit repeat
- end repeat
- if overFlow then
- showOverFlowDialog(me)
- end if
- cursor(4)
- extendClips(me)
- if currentFrame > 1 then
- decrementFrame()
- end if
- setKrusty(playbackMgr)
- showFrame(playbackMgr, currentFrame, 0)
- set dirtyFlag to 1
- updateTheBrain(appMgr)
- cursor(-1)
- else
- hideRecordingSpr(me, foregroundFXSpr)
- showFrame(playbackMgr, currentFrame, 0)
- cursor(-1)
- end if
- end